
Unit 5—Unit 6复习


Unit 5—Unit 6 重难点单词、词组及句型

1.consist of 由……组成;由……构成



(2)consist of 相当于be made up of

The UK consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

英国由大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国组成。(相当于is made up of)

The beauty of Venice consists of the style of its ancient buildings.

威尼斯之美在于它的古代建筑之风格。(相当于lies in)

(3)同be made up of 用法的比较

be made up of的主动形式为:make up

即:A make up B. A 组成了B.

被动语态为:B be made up of A.  B是由A组成的。

注意:不可写为:B be made up by A.

例如:Three districts make up Wuhan.


(被动语态:Wuhan is made up of three districts.)

或:Wuhan consists of three districts.

不可写为:Wuhan is consisted of three districts.

Class Three is made up of 79 students.

三班是由79个学生组成的。(主动语态:79 students make up Class Three.)

2.The island just west of Britain is called Ireland.



The island which is just to the west of Britain is called Ireland.

其中 which is just to the west of Britain 是定语从句,用来修饰先行词island.

根据定语从句的语法which is可以省略。而在英语惯用法中,如果方位前面的介词是to the时,可以省掉介词to及冠词the,于是我们就看到了原来的句子。又如:

Taiwan lies(to the)southeast of Fujian.


此句可写为:Tiawan lies southeast of Fujian.

To the east of the city, there is a chemical factory.


此句可写为:East of the city, there is a chemical factory.

3.…but it was not until 250 years later that they formed a single state.


此句用的是强调句型:It is /was…that /who …,但是要注意在强调not…until结构中的until部分时,需要把主句中的not带上,形成It is /was not until…that…结构。例如:

I didn’t go to bed until my mother came back home.


→It was not until my mother came back home that I went to bed.

另外,not…until结构中,如要把until所引导的句子放在句首,同样主句中的not也需一起带上,形成not until…,并且主句要进行部分倒装。例如:

Not until my mother came back home did I go to bed.

4.make the most of充分利用;充分展示(get the best use of; make full use of; get the greatest gain from)

In both work and study, we should make the most of our time.


The old worker was made the most of when he was ill.

这位老工人在生病期间被予以高度重视。(taken good care of)

The person makes the most of cruelties of slavery.

这个人把奴隶制形容得淋漓尽致。(describes carefully)

5.state n. 国家;政府;状态

   v. 陈述;声明;阐述

The school buildings are in a bad state of repair.

学校建筑物迫切需要修缮。[sth. be in a (adj.) state]

She is in a poor state of health.

她身体状况很差。[sb. be in a (adj.) state]

What’s the state of play?

这部戏进行得怎么样?(相当于:How is the play going now?)

Should industry be controlled by the states?


State your name and address, please.


The book states the women’s rights very clearly.


New York is one of the states in America.


Matter has three states.


6.employ vt. 雇佣;利用

employment n. 雇用, 使用, 利用, 工作, 职业;

employer 雇佣者,老板;

employee 被雇佣者;打工者


The company employed about 100 people.


The USA employed armed forces to Iraq.


The boy employed the stick as a pen.


She employed all her spare time playing computer games.


7.approach vt. 向…靠近/接近,与……打交道,着手处理(问题)

    n. 靠近;接近;入门;途径;(处理问题的)方法

We approached the house with care.

我们小心翼翼地向房子靠近。(came near to)

His work approached perfection.

他的工作近乎完美。(came near to)

Did he approach you about lending him some money?

他同你商量过借给他一些钱的事了吗?(approach sb. about sth. 为某事与某人打交道)

He is easy to approach.

他很好打交道。[deal with /get along (on) with]

He approached the problem without difficulty.

他毫不费力地就解决了这个问题。(solved /settled /worked out)

Can you tell me the approach to the bridge?


The book talks about the approaches to dealing with difficulties.




one one’s way to 在…路上

cf. the way

door to… 通向……之路     access to…  通向……入口

exit to…  在……出口     turn to(转向)

look forward to 期待,盼望   pay attention to 注意

devote…to… 投入于……;献身

8.ensure vt. 保证,担保,保护(make sure /make certain)

We’ll ensure your safety.

我们将保证你的安全。(ensure +sth.)

I ensure that the work will be done on time.


We’ll ensure you against danger.

我们将确保你的安全。(ensure sb. against…)

9.remain vi. 保持不变;仍是;剩下;(人)逗留



You can take all that remained.


Much work remains to be done.

很多工作要做。(sth. remain to be done)

(注意:如果主语与remain后的动词构成动宾关系,则要使用句型:sth. remain to be done)

It only remains for me to say that I am sorry.


It only remains(ed) for sb to do…  剩下某人能做的是……

(2)可用作系动词(link v.),后接名词、形容词、不定式或过去分词形式。

Peter became a judge but John remained a fisherman.

彼特成了一位法官,但约翰还是一个渔夫。(remain+n.,相当于continued to be)

She remains young though she is over fifty.


You can’t let your room remain like this.

你不能让你的房间象这个样子。(remain+prep. ph

The city remained unchanged over 20 years.

20年来,这城市一直没什么变化。(remain+过去分词) with 与……做生意;处理;安排

I have dealt with this company for 20 years.


(deal with… 同……做生意,相当于do business with…)

Children are tiring to deal with.

对付小孩很烦人。(treat 对付,应付)[sth. /sb. be adj. to deal with]

How do you deal with a lazy husband?




These are too many problems for us to deal with.


Tom’s new book deals with the troubles in Ireland.

汤姆的新书谈论了爱尔兰的争端。(is concerned with / is about / refers to / talks about)

11.比较 search for /search…for…

search for sb./ sth. 寻找/搜寻某物(for后面接要寻找的人或物),如:

The policeman is searching for a thief in the city.

警察正在城里搜查这个贼。(search for sth)

search…for… 在某地寻找某物(search后接寻找某人或某物的地点,for后才接要寻找的东西)如:

The policeman is searching the city for the thief.

警察在城市里搜查这个贼。(search place for sb. /sth.)

search sb. 搜某人的身体如:

The policeman is searching the thief.

这警察在搜查这个小偷的身体。(search sb.)

补充:in search of“搜查某人某物”,是一介词短语。如:

The policeman went to the city in search of the thief.


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