

  Have you ever imagined that you could be cloned like Dolly the sheep in the not too distant future?

  The news that a human embryo (胚胎) has been  1  cloned for the first time has caused mixed reactions (反映).

  The  2  was carried out by scientists from the Advanced Cell Technology Inc (ACT), in Massachusetts, US. The group  3  the new on November 25.

  “This is  4  human being. A clone is alive, it walks, it breathes,”said Jamie Grifo,  5  on the study of cloning at New York University School of Medicine.

  “This is a set of cells in a lab that will be used to  6  someone’s life.”

  Such research could lead to treatment for  7  such as heart diseases, AIDS and even cancer,  8  scientists.

  Despite high hopes from other scientists, the news raised concerns immediately from religious and political leaders. Several  9  in the US do not allow human cloning. President George W. Bush also made it clear that he is  10  any type of human cloning. However, the scientists at ACT said they have no interest at present in  11  an early embryo into  12 .

  Animals have been cloned repeatedly since Dolly the sheep  13  in 1997. And there were no real technical  14  to stand in the way of scientists making a cloned human embryo.

  This time the research group use traditional cloning technology with a human  15 .

   16  it was given DNA from an adult cell, the egg began to  17 .  18  it was stopped from becoming a baby-at a stage in which it was  19  a ball of cells. The  20  technology has been used to clone sheep, cattle and monkeys.

1.A.in failure   B.never     C.successfully    D.not

2.A.research    B.report     C.works        D.task

3.A.made known   B.made      C.said        D.had

4.A.a cloned    B.a man-made   C.a          D.not a cloned

5.A.a worker    B.a head     C.an expert      D.an assistant

6.A.save      B.rescue     C.cure        D.treat

7.A.patients    B.health     C.diseases      D.things

8.A.according to  B.including   C.besides       D.argued

9.A.countries    B.nations    C.peoples       D.states

10.A.for      B.against    C.researching for   D.praising

11.A.developing   B.building    C.inventing      D.discovering

12.A.a baby     B.a man     C.a woman       D.a white man

13.A.died      B.appeared    C.turned up      D.was no more

14.A.questions   B.affairs    C.business      D.problems

15.A.egg      B.bless     C.meat        D.cell

16.A.Before     B.After     C.While        D.And

17.A.grow      B.die      C.change       D.grow up

18.A.And      B.But      C.However       D.Yet

19.A.yet      B.still     C.not         D.no

20.A.different   B.usual     C.ordinary      D.same


1.C 从本句后面的has caused mixed reactions可知,克隆人类胚胎已经成功了。

2.A 根据题意此处应为“研究”,carry out research恰好表示此意。

3.A make known the news是由make the news known倒装而来,意思是“发布消息”。

4.D 根据上下文可知所要表达的意思是“这不是克隆人”。

5.C 从事研究的应是“专家”。


  save one’s life意为“拯救某人的生命”,rescue意为“援救,营救,挽救”,其宾语一般为人或物。

7.C 从下面列举的各种疾病可知正确答案为disease。

8.A 本处意为“根据科学家的观点”。

9.D 在美国,省一级机构为“州”,因此states应为该题正确答案。

10.B 由句中also一词可知Bush不支持human cloning, 因此应选against。

11.A developing意为“发展”或“开发”,其它选项不符合句意。

12.A 根据文章的意思可知此处应为“婴儿”之意。

13.B 克隆羊“多利”于1997年“诞生”了。appear此处可引申为“诞生”之意。



15.A 根据下文内容可知要用egg一词。

16.B 本句意为“egg加入一个人的DNA后就开始生长”,因此答案为after。

17.A 由上文可知。



19.B 根据文意,此处应为“仍然,依然”。

20.D 本句意为“同样的技术已被应用于克隆羊、牛与猴子”。